Crossrail West Driver Briefing

Gioconda’s Driver Briefing packs have become a standard requirement for UK projects.

More recently we have delivered similar packs to Australia and are working with the local operators to establish these as the norm.

Primarily USB and DVD based, but also online, we have provided training packs all over the UK to many TOC’s and FOC’s.

  • USB, DVD & online based training
  • Uses HD & 3D VR videos
  • Narration, overlays & schematics provide user information
  • Incorporated & standalone route maps
  • Printed hardcopy Map Book, Brochures and Warning Notices

Gioconda Ltd have been producing Driver Briefing packs for many years and as such have covered all types of projects across the UK and into Australia. Whatever the requirement, whether it is for remodelling, re-signalling, or electrification projects, we can acquire the video and build the 3D models required to create the training package needed for TOCs & FOCs.

The material collected or produced for our Asset Mapping, Signal Sighting and other tools can be re-used and adapted to compile the Driver Briefing package. This is the most cost effective and efficient process due to the re-use of data. In addition, it usually means that material will be available for briefing earlier in the construction programme.

Alternatively, VR and HD video can be produced specifically for the briefing requirements.

The final output benefits from the inclusion of a voice-over narrative, text overlays, Schematics, PowerPoint slides and Route Maps.

See the sample screen shots below and video samples here.